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When SCORE’s editors met Indianna Jaymes, their first thought was “Wow! She could be Casey James’ cousin.” From some angles, Indianna does resemble the much-venerated Casey. But the comparisons can only go so far. While Indianna photographs much taller than she really is, like many SCORE Girls often do, Casey is four inches taller. “I’ve always loved big boobs,” Indianna said. “Big tits just look so much better on a woman, don’t they? I love curves and shapely bodies. I love how my body looks in the mirror and the looks I get from guys when I walk into a store or a restaurant. “I love how my chest looks in tight tops, T-shirts, swimsuits and bras. I can’t even imagine what my sex life would be without my big tits. When I would read in an interview a model saying how much she loves her breasts, I’d be with her totally.” .

Mature Hairy Pussy Teacher

Mature Hairy Pussy Teacher


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